~John 1:29 (ESV)

In closing of our "Christmas Is" series, let us reflect on once again what Christmas is. It is the Gospel in that we celebrate the glorious mystery of God's coming down as man to take away our sins. Now, there was much more to come of the Gospel story following Christ's birth that we celebrate (His life, death, resurrection, and ascension), but ultimately we celebrate at Christmas time the mystery of God coming to earth as man to pay the debt for our sins and take the wrath of God. Jesus birth was the beginning of the life on earth that would change all of eternity. Let us praise Him! Let us praise Him alone!
No one could exhort us more appropriatley than John the Baptist from Scripture's account in John 1:29 when he said, "Behold, the Lamb of God, who takes away the sin of the world!" May we, this Christmas season, this year, and throughout our lives, behold our King! May we behold Him standing there before the throne pleading us clean of sin and bound for eternity with the eternal Godhead.
What a Day that will be when we see His face! And while on this earth, we stand in gratefulness before the Father for sending His Son to make that eternal destiny possible for us. Apart from the glorious Gospel of God come down to earth, we would have been condemned to the destiny deserved by every man and woman, Hell, desolation, irreversible desertion, and the furious wrath of God.
Want more reason to celebrate? Meditate upon this quote by Anselm:
"The glory of the Gospel is this: The One from Whom we needed to be saved is the One Who has saved us."
Is that not the most amazing mystery ever beheld? We were under God's wrath for our many, many, many sins. Yet, it is that same God, our almighty King of Kings, Who has revealed to us that He is a just God and a God of MIND-BLOWING MERCY! And we celebrate the birth of our King and the birth of the Gospel of Christ this season and year-round. Hope is born!
The Lord has shown mercy to us! This grace is available to all! So I bid you, if you have not yet entered the kingdom of God and accepted this forgiving King, Jesus, as your Savior, please do so! Resist Him no longer. We were created for Him, and He longs for His children to come Home. He longs to be glorified in you.
That's why He came.
Merry Christmas!