"Now I would remind you, brothers, of the gospel I preached to you, which you received, in which you stand..."
~I Corinthians 15:1 (ESV)
Hearing What You've Heard
Paul's words as laid out in I Corinthians 15 at basic level communicate, "I remind you of something you've already heard" and even "something you have already believed." Why preach so passionately something already known among this body of believers? Because they, as much as we all do, needed desperately to hear the Gospel again--to be refreshed by the power of the Gospel's transforming grace.
Possible Spiritual Death
We need it, lest we die--the Gospel that is. God has provided all that we need for life and Godliness through the Gospel. In other words, we have no access to the Father or the riches of His mercy (but through the glorious Gospel blood of Christ. He, as our Substitute, has paid the way to the throne of God, and lest we draw near to the throne each day by reminding ourselves of the Gospel we have believed and heard, we cannot keep a clear mind as to the very purpose of our days on earth, and drifting is possible.
Even the Strongest Need It
From weak to the Christian full of faith, we all need to hear the Gospel again every day. Strong saints have met the end of their walk for the Lord when they lost their intimacy with Christ, and all intimacy with Christ begins at the foot of the cross. Nothing else will do, not even other Biblical doctrines, for all guidance from all other Biblical doctrine is pulled into place because of their tie to the cross.
Not to Be Taken Lightly
Our relationship with Christ, our Savior, and the health of it is not to be taken lightly. Are we slowly drifting? Do we think we're not and yet half-hearted interest in God's holy Word or lack of passion in prayer could easily be observed in our times with the Lord? Let this be a gracious yet sobering warning of God's kindness: Our spirits are prone to wander and prone to sin and death lest we immerse ourselves in the Gospel each day.
"Father, what precious life we have been given! Enlarge our hearts to Your Gospel, we pray. May we never minimize it. Reveal lack of passion and heal us, Lord; heal us. May no passion of ours exceed that of the Gospel, and may the Gospel define our passions. Amen."
Challenge and Application Questions
- Evaluate your affections for the Lord. Are you slowly drifting?
- Evaluate your passion for the Word and prayer. Where can you grow?
- What is your action plan for daily Gospel? If you don't have one, will you make one? When?
- Do you take your relationship with the Lord seriously?
- Where has pride been displayed in your thinking as far as believing you can do without the Gospel? How can this change?
I really enjoyed reading that. A good reminder of something that is so familiar coming from you.
Thanks for the reminder to not take the Truth and God's Word lightly!!!
Nice picture. : ) : )
Ahhh Bro yes!!! To be honest, I have been drifting man. I have endured the first real season of dryness in my year of salvation. In that, I have seen and witnessed my own sin manifest and grow! Our father in his STEADFAST love and mercy for me, has been showing me my need for my daily bread. Your words are in tune with this "theme" of teachings the Lord has seemingly lavished me with lately...the just of it being, I'm in dire need of a Savior and reminder of that to give the grace to be sanctified Daily! I don't just need a Savior that moment I was saved, but every moment, every breath and every single step bro!!! I'm reminded of Piper's Grace walk across the stage! :) Thanks for writing bro!!!
Thank you for your humility! How merciful the Lord is to be the Shepherd Who seeks out the one strayed sheep, break its wandering legs, and bring it back to His pasture!
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