"And let the peace of Christ rule in your hearts, to which indeed you were called in one body. And be thankful."
~Colossians 3:15 (ESV)

Complaining is easy! Is that not why we do it so much? Little effort is needed to express our negative thoughts as humans, whether it be about our job, toward a person, about our life or destiny, how much money we don't make--or whatever! There is a powerful antidote to the sin of complaining, and it is thankfulness. That may not be what you thought I would say, but it is so true! If we were to attempt to describe what the antidote to discontent and complaining is, our immediate guess might be that it is some outward expression of strength. Or perhaps we would say it is an inward bracing of one's self that shouts, "I will never complain about this again!" However, God in His Word calls for a much higher goal that a self-confident "commitment."
Where the True Strength Lies
True, Godly strength and power is evidenced not in a strong complaint or by a forceful rebuke in reaction to an offense or disappointment. True, Godly strength is not found in an empty announcement of our "concerns" about the world around us our our circumstances that we despise. No, it is found in the opposite. The opposite of complaining is thankfulness. Contemplate this for a moment: Does it not take much greater work, strength, and trust in God to remain grateful and refuse to complain than it does to just "let it out?" Yes, it does. Gratefulness is harder work, and it is worth the joy God will give to you, even in the midst of trial.
So, how do we reverse complaining and defeat this sin in our lives? Do the opposite; be thankful! Now, before a commitment to thankfulness becomes a self-confident venture, let us realize together how thankfulness is cultivated Biblically. The strength to do so comes only by God's amazing grace! He has saved us by His blood--we have every reason to be thankful and no right to be discontent. We have life pretty good compared to what we deserve.Blessings, my friends!
In Jesus Christ alone,
Franz Schneider
Click here to read part 2 of this series.
Hi Franz! It is I, Jeremy Cook. Excellent use of scripture and I like your blog. It is pretty sweet.
So I figured I would add something in agreement with your post: Eph 4:17 - 32 (ESV). This piece of scripture has really stuck with me and I believe it agrees with your post. In that we should all "put off [the] old self" and in its place "put on the new self, created after the likeness of God in true righteousness and holiness."
I hope you keep posting good stuff like this!
Yes, that is excellent feedback and a wonderful Scripture reference. There is wisdom in pointing this out: That complaining is of our old self. We are no longer to associate with it. Rather, we are to reflect the fact that we now, as Christians, hold a new nature, and that is to be conformed to the image of our Savior, Jesus Christ.
God bless you, my friend, and do it for JESUS!
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