~James 1:17b (ESV)

As the Lord draws yet another year to a close, we remain because of His faithfulness. He doesn’t change, and His grace will never change! Hasn't He been good? Hasn't He been so faithful to us?
Looking back on a year is like looking over a plot of earth just traveled. There were plains, there were deserts, there were lagoons, and there were jagged mountains and bumpy roads. Wow! We're still here! By the grace of God alone, Christians remain and persevere through the rough times and rejoice and give thanks under all circumstances (I Thessalonians 5:18).
One of the attributes of God that He has used much to greatly build my trust in Him this year is His unchangingness. How I have gone on my own large set of emotional roller coasters in my life, yet He never changes! We, the changing ones, are to be conformed to Him, the never-changing One--the great I AM. As a simple illustration, the Lord is the always-remaining, perfect standard on Whom we are to evaluate our trials, times of change, and emotions, and all of life.

How encouraging His unchangingness is to draw us to trust in Him and to an objective life!
Every morning, we can wake up with our minds on His mercies which are new every morning, and His grace that is the same for eternity. What a blessed relief! We never have to fear awaking any morning with our salvation in doubt or jeapordy. We never have to ask, "Is God's grace still available? Are the requirements for saving faith still the same as they were yesterday?" God has been faithful and will remain faithful to refresh us as beings who easily forget His benefits with the glorious truth that no grace of God rests on our performance, but all grace, including saving grace, rests on the FINISHED work of Christ on the cross. Haha! Amen!
O, how it uplifts the spirit to reflect on God's unchanging grace and faithfulness to us before and to anticipate the revealing of it beyond time!
How have you been impacted this year by the concept of God's unchanging grace?
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