~Joshua 1:5 (ESV)
"Forever, You'll keep me in Your Grace, my Father.
And ever, we need not be afraid, for You're faithful."
-West Coast Revival

I have failed,
I cannot do it
That is why Christ had to do it for me,
Live the perfect life impossible for all humanity to live
You have won,
I have nothing left to fear but You, O God
You keep me in Your grace always,
I face no condemnation for my sin
So all the more as I realize the wonders of Your love,
The wonders of Jesus crucified,
The less I fear the accusations of the enemy of my soul,
Who loves to remind me of my sin,
To try to deceive me into thinking condemnation remains,
That Your sacrifice is not sufficient to save from all sin
The enemy is defeated,
I know that my Savior lives!
Forever You'll keep me in Your grace,
My Father
Though I have failed,
Though I have questioned You so often,
Though I yet put Your face from my view at times,
Blessed mercy, how can it be?
You have forgiven and redeemed the poorly invested time,
I am still with You because You are with me,
And forever I am with You until I die
I cannot be without You!
I cannot walk in prudence and wisdom apart from You!
Father, hear my cry for help,
Come to the rescue of these needful bones
I cannot live without You,
Thank You for Your everlasting grace
That Your promise remains unbroken forever,
That You will never leave or forsake me
It's not about me, but all about YOU, JESUS!!!
We earn nothing before you, and cannot!
You freely show Your mysterious mercy to us,
And that is why we carry on
Thank You Jesus!
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Amen! Good stuff, Franz. What a burden is lifted when we realize that condemnation no longer remains when He has saved us! Sin's presence is not completely vanquished, but from the moment we give our lives to Him its dominion over us is completely destroyed! He has won! Whom shall we fear? Who deserves our praise but Him? Thank You Jesus for doing what I could not when I didn't desire it with a love that is greater than what I will ever have!
Great post, I want my prayers to be like that. :)
Amen to that!!! I remember an entry in my journal that I wrote a long time ago in response to Romans 6:14, which says:
"For sin will have no dominion over you, since you are not under law but under grace."
The emphasis was on this: If God Himself has said sin will have no dominion, what more need be said?
We are free to be holy in His grace!!! Amen! Thanks for your input, Joel (Charlie), and for your love and faith in the Savior.
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