Friday, March 19, 2010

The Biggest Thing We Know

"Father, I desire that they also, whom you have given me, may be with me where I am, to see my glory that you have given me because you loved me before the foundation of the world."

~Jesus in John 17:24 (ESV)

Providential Moment

This morning as I traveled to work in the beginnings of what is supposed to be a major winter storm, I was grateful that the traffic was quite good. I observed the fast moving cars moving through the increasingly-heavy snow and kicking up spray and mist from the streets (actual action-packed imagery to the right). As I rounded downtown Denver, the city could not be seen but a few buildings on its parameter.

As I observed these things, the song, "Turn Your Eyes Upon Jesus," (an outstanding hymn, came on on my iPod. Wow. What perfect timing.

Life Becomes Big...Too Big

Here's what I observed of my own heart and the habits of the human heart: This morning when I left, this commute was the greatest concern I had. It was the biggest thing to me..

The words of the songs sounded:

"Turn your eyes upon Jesus,
Look full in His wonderful face
And the things of earth will grow strangely dim (as I observed the fading view of the city)
In the light of His glory and grace."

God Is Big

Wow. This commute wasn't so big after all. The hustle of the city, like all of our problems and riches, quickly fades when we truly behold Him. Nothing compares to Him. This weather is a small thing. God is big. When we join Him in Heaven, we won't be thinking about how fast or slow we got to work--all eyes will be fixed on Him, and it's small ways like this that He uses to train our eyes to stay on Him now.

Lord, draw our eyes to You and fix them upon your glory! Let us see each day that You are the biggest thing we know--bigger than all our struggles, commutes, earthly gain, relationships, pain, managers, poverty, emptiness, riches--bigger than all the voices of this world raging for our life. You are real, You are big, You are the God Who works mightily! Amen.

Challenge and Application Questions
  • What small (or big) ways has God reminded you of His greatness and bigness?
  • What things that the world (or you apart from grace) might see as an inconvenience do you appreciate that are frequent reminders of our big God?
  • How does knowing God's bigness (sovereignty and work in everything) comfort you in your present struggles?
  • How does knowing God's bigness keep your eyes on the ultimate Good (Christ Himself) in the midst of great gain?


Recommended Resources

1 comment:

crustysamurai said...

I like this post!
Another thing to note, is the word repentence. God uses this word a bunch in the Bible, and all too much we think it means "to apologize". But to repent is to "turn away" from sin, and to "turn towards" God.

In otherwords, stop thinking about it so much! Just think about God's goodness, and that is when there will be peace. After awhile, all the bad stuff will disappear because God will fill our minds instead.