Friday, August 23, 2024

An Update: Journey for Truth and Transcending Religious Abuse

Short Version

This post stands as a message to any who stumble upon this memory-hole of a website. I no longer align with my writings on this blog aside from the basic values that align with natural law and true morality, not manmade religious ideas of "morality." I am not religious and passionately anti-religion. I now expose occulted knowledge and the true meaning of religions that were created for behavior control and mind slavery–religious like modern Christianity, Judaism, Islam, Catholicism and others that are corrupted versions of pure occulted science of consciouness and our world.

To start, follow my current work here and find all of my links here.

Longer Version

Much has transpired in the 4,953 days between this post and my last. This blog sits, largely, untouched, but I have left it up as one of many archives of my journey through life and refinement. I like history. In addition, this post serves as the front page of this site for any who would stumble upon it so they will know where I stand on my past writings with which I no longer align due to what I have learned about natural law and the dark-occult truth about cult religion and religious abuse.

I would be glad to share much about the personal, relational, spiritual, practical, etc. journey I have been on, but I have found that victims of abuse–including abuse by cult-member families and church "leaders"–are so often gaslit and misinterpreted. So, I'll keep it summary for now.

In short, I was in a cult–modern-day so-called "Christianity" during the era when I built and populated this site with articles. No, I was never the religiousy culty type and hated people like that even back then–but it is the cult I grew up in due to my family upbringing. To take matters deeper, I was in a cult within the cult called Sovereign Grace Ministries–a disgusting abusive church-planting corporate cult that ended up wasting eleven years of my life not counting the abusive marriage I was tied up in. But to say I learned a lot about religion and cults firsthand because of these experiences would be an understatement.

I have always been passionate about knowing truth and wanting to know and live in accordance with what is actually right–not what I am told is right. Even while embedded in these cults, I was well-intentioned. I legitimately wanted to know the Source of Life and what was true, but I had to sift through a crazy amount of religious clutter to get there. My desire to know and live in respect to the source of life was even the reason I was in this cult until January 2010. But my instinct was right all along. Something was not right and people were pulling unreasonable expectations out of their asses and beating me over the head with them. "The Bible is the authoritative word of God and is not up for debate! This is want morality looks like and you must live this way or you are a worldly hedonist sinner! Commit to our church, believe the gospel, hang your head in shame and remember what a piece of shit you are as you bring your sins to the foot of the cross and donate to our church!"

If you think that is exaggerating, it is to the contrary. That's an incredibly-light version and hardly scratches the surface of the abslute nonsense I have had to put up with in my lifetime of religious abuse. But I won. I came out the mature adult who knows astronomically more about what is really going on in this world than they do–because I value truth and they do not and because chose to do the work and they did not. To settle down with simple truth has been one hell of a ride. Simply-put I just needed to throw off the glasses of viewing the world through the restricted lens of "does it align with Christianity and the gospel" to IS IT TRUE? The world should be evaluated through the lense of what is right and true, not soneone's religion, religious text, religious figure, etc.

Of course, many "Christians" would respond, "Christianity is not a religion; it's faith!" or "it's a relationship with God!" As with any cult, they always think they are right and everyone else is wrong. They always think they got it right and everyone else is wayward and missed the mark." Go over to Islam and you will find the same. "Our prophet is the THE LAST propet and no one else is allowed to say anything else." It's like a child trying to get the last word in an argument. Muslims claim their book is perfect and uncorrupted and the Bible is corrupted. The truth is, both have gone through long processes of change are eually used to promote the worship of false authority (authority which does not exist on this earth). Judaism, same thing. Endless micromanaging rules about what to eat and what rituals to do when lest ye violate the law are no different than Christians saying you must accept Jesus, go to church, and not wear skirts that go above then knee–than Muslims saying women must dress like garbage bags by covering their natural bodies from head to toe, men must not show their mid section, and dietary micromanagement (though I do agree with not eating dirty meats and with treating animals humanely). And let's not overlook usury propelled by so-called "Jews" (the banker mafia).

In the end, truth is simple. Natural law is the only law there is. Natural law are the laws built into our world and very existence. Natural law is the way the world functions. Natural functions no matter what anyone feels about it and even as people live in direct violation of it–stealing, abusing, squandering, and not caring for their fellow man. If the majority chooses shit, the world will be shit. And, indeed, that apathy and the majority choosing government and religious false authority, supporting military and police order-following murderers, enabling psychopath dark-occult control freaks and narcissists, white-knighting for Feminism, and more is they world is, indeed, shit.

There are few left in this world who give a damn about truth and even few willing to spend their life learning and teaching it. Well, that is what I use my life for and plan to until I draw my last breath. Appreciate the prophets (which literally means one gifted in divulging divine truth) while they are here–because they are near extinct. I fear for the survival of the human species–especially after the COVID hoax that I was at the forefront of exposing. It revealed a lot of true colors. But if you are willing to attract the few good left in the world and teach people truth, due your due dillegence to study it and accept the truth no matter how uncomfortable it might make you. Let go of the religion (Statism included) and free your mind.

I will likely refine and update this post over time, but I just wanted to get this up as I sit in a coffee shop across the ocean. I left America because I couldn't take the retatardation and religious oppression any more. I needed to get away to clear my head and charge my shell naked on the beach after decades of spiritual, psycholoigcal, marital, and family abuse. I haven't quite gotten that rest yet because I am helping others escape, too. But this felt like a good time to post this for whoever will listen.

See ya. ;)

Monday, January 31, 2011

An Answer to Bordeom

In a society of instant gratification, instant access, and instant mashed potatoes, it's easy to get bored. I mean--what else is there to life if we have just about "everything we need" in an instant and at our fingertips? For example: Let's be honest with ourselves: So much of life is motivated by sex--and the sad truth is, there is so much sexual content available with little effort and is being consumed by millions.


Perhaps the right question is...


...or even...


Re: Boredom

As cliche as this might sound, the answer is Jesus. Yes, to some, boring old Jesus. And the truth is, He just might be boring--but not because He's changed, but because perhaps you decided to consume of the world and the world, resultantly, has consumed you.
With our heads at a worldly level--be it consumed by work, vocational pursuits, education, hobbies, preoccupation with friends or a particular relationship, pornography, sports, or whatever--it's not hard to see Jesus as boring when we view Him through that worldly lens.

Now, some of the things I listed above that can consume us are obviously bad (i.e. pornography). Hoever, not all of them are (i.e. work, education, sports). Not even the pursuit of a relationship or marriage is wrong. Those are examples of good things caused by the way God wired us and the desires He chose to build in us. They are beautiful things when done honorably, even if situations do not turn out the way we planned in long past.

Where's My Easy Button?

Only would such a tense battle such as battling sexual immorality be easy had God decided not to put sexual desire in us. But there are all kinds of reasons he did put sexual desire in us that we wouldn't want to do without--and there's a right way to use that desire.

A Place for Everything

Well, there's a right way to use every God-given desire and the right use of them (meaning the effort and heartfelt action to use them rightly) can result in far better (NONT-boring!) effects in our lives than we might think!

Is That Easy?

How can we use each desire to seek the Lord? In a culture that seems to become more and more bored with life by the day, will we simply join them or will be instead use our very desire NOT to be bored to seek Him?

No, being a Christian is not easy. There is no "just-do-this" answer to anything. Simply reading your Bible for five minutes is not going to transform your life in an instant, but know this: God will transform you. He said He will not let His Word return void. And you know what that means? His Word will not return to Him having gone out into the earth without having affected someone--whether that be you or someone else or both.

  • Can we replace just one--JUST ONE Facebook login to log in to God's Word and spend just 5 minutes with Him?
  • Can we skip just one Twitter post to jot down a thought God impressed on us so we don't forget?

And look--it's so easy to read 1, 2, maybe 3 verses in God's Word instead of reading that your friend Nicole just made an omelet or your classmate, Ryan, from your college Algebra class just got a job. Nothing wrong with that--I'm into Facebook and those things--but let's give God 5 minutes--just 5 minutes--out of the hours of our days and we'll want more eventually. But today may not be that day. Just start with 5. It is so worth it to us!
Remember, there is no--zero, zip--of any kind of formula to praying or impressive approach we have to take to God. In fact, He'll have none of your trying to impress Him. He knows us because He's our Father and He just wants us to come to Him like children do--happy, crying, guilty, excited, injured, discouraged, hurt, messed up.

"The young lions suffer want and hunger, but those who seek the Lord lack NO good thing."
~Psalm 34:10 (ESV)

Friday, January 28, 2011

Give the Book a Chance

Parent Fright

We often see it portrayed in movies and in real life: Parent fright. It's a difficult adjustment to change that says, "I'm not ready for my child to grow up and do mature things." There's a stage where most children begin to take an almost rapid interest in the things around them such as driving, working for income, relationships with the opposite sex, exploring their gifts and abilities, etc. Parents can sometimes resist the idea of their children becoming, "less dependent on the nest."

But at other times, parents may have to have a conversation that ends in something like this: "Let's just give the kid a chance."

That Chance Matters

Sometimes we don't know or see what someone is capable of until we give them a shot at it. The Bible can be the same way to us. Much of our lives, I would venture to say, are spent in a need for the awareness of what the Word can do. Our lives are often full of dark places of struggle that we wish to see changed--yet it seems it's the same battle day after day after day. And just as the battle becomes monotonous, the lack of change is even more in our face.

For others, we are a dry and weary land lacking water. A once flourishing rainforest in out souls has been reduced to a pile of dry brush in baking sun. All hope of ever seeing water in the thirsty territory of our soul has seemingly been removed or given to someone else.

We've strayed.

We've become disinterested.

We've overestimated the world.

And now we're paying for it.

Infinite Grace

There is hope. No, listen! There is hope! Remember that intimidatingly-thick book full of stories that make us yawn? Yes, there is your hope--the things communicated within it are your hope. Best termed, the Author of that Book is your hope, and He wants to talk to you.

Pick it up again.

You've not found a refuge in this world. But even if you're bored at the start, He will lead you UNTIL you have found a refuge to dwell in and UNTIL you realize it's Him and UNTIL you find delight again.

Taste and see that He is good--and you won't be able to resist Him!

They Cried; He Delivered

Listen to these parts pulled from across Psalm 107:

  • Verses 4-6: "Some wandered. Hungry and thirsty. Their soul fainted. They cried. He delivered them. He led TILL they reached a city."
  • Verses 10-14: "Some sat in darkness. They rebelled. They fell down. None to help. They cried. He delivered. He burst their bonds apart.
  • Verses 17-20: "Some were fools. They suffered affliction. They drew near to death. They cried. He delivered. He healed.
  • Verses 23-30: "Some went to the sea. He commanded the stormy wind. Their courage melted. They were at their wit's end. They cried. He delivered. He made the storm still.

"For He satisfies the longing soul, and the hungry soul He fills with good things." (Verse 9)

"He turns a desert into pools of water, a parched land into springs of water." (Verses 33, 35)

Trust that no matter how dry, bitter, tired, sinful, or weary your soul is, God is our only resort. So give the book a refreshing and ongoing chance--and be blessed!