This article was revised on January 19, 2011
I read an article today by Bob Kauflin on the Gospel and worship. While I do not agree with all of his content or theology on worship, the emphases on making the Gospel a major part of our diet is a valid and critical point. Here's a bit of personal elaboration on the point.
Not only can the Gospel become a familiar and repetitive (even monotonous if we're not careful and intentional) subject of our daily worship (not just Sunday song), but the temptation to become in effect "annoyed" or merely act on obligation to include words of Gospel in our daily diet exists.
And aren't we all familiar with words becoming "just words?"
The Gospel is not a set of words from Sunday school. It's The Gospel of God!
From Can Singing About the Gospel Become Rote? from WorshipMatters.com - January 29, 2010"The cross stands for all that was accomplished through the life, death, and resurrection of Jesus, the Son of God. It focuses on his substitutionary death at Calvary but includes everything that gave meaning to that act. His preexistent state in glory. His incarnation. His life of perfect obedience. His suffering. His resurrection. His ascension. His present intercession and reign in glory. His triumphant return.
It’s our responsibility as leaders to make sure, as the Puritans said, that we always 'labor to be affected by the cross.' The gospel of Jesus Christ is the greatest news the world has ever heard and our singing should show it.
What have you done to make sure that singing about Christ’s redemptive work on the cross never becomes rote?"
-Bob Kauflin
And the natural effect of the Gospel, when it sinks into our hearts, is to affect our lives for God's glory and overflow to our worship. Honestly, if we are not passionate about the Gospel, and if we have no interest in singing to the Lord with a might shout of thanks, something is wrong--but we're not hopeless. Find hope in this: As you expose yourself to the Gospel truth--that while we are weak, our sins are paid for and we are FREE to LIVE, and that God has an amazing desire to teach us about and display to us His glory--you can be affected and transformed!
I hope that served you, friends! Thanks for reading and contributing. God bless.