Our God takes the most-broken of broken people and turns them into gleaming trophies of grace. That is the nature of our God: A God of restoration.
Does not the word, "restore," mean to return something to where it once was? Surely we never dwelt in perfection worthy of Heaven. So how does He restore if we never were sinless?
Can Full Recovery Be Accomplished?God restores the relationship held between Himself and Adam - a relationship without the skewing of sin. He looks upon us as He did Adam in that Adam originally had no sin. But is it Adam He looks upon when He looks at us? By no means! He sees His Son--perfect, flawless, righteous. His Son's becoming our sin and killing its dominion forever on the cross through death purchased for us that robe of righteousness through which the Father looks upon us.
Damage is Irrelevant to God's Ability to ForgiveSo, the point and sum is this: God can take anyone, no matter how wrecked and damaged by wickedness, and turn them into a guiltless child of His.
"Amazing Grace, how sweet the sound,
That saved a wretch like me!"
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