"The iniquities of the wicked ensnare him, and he is held fast in the cords of his sin."
~Proverbs 5:22 (ESV)
Come to ponder it, there is no moment in the human life not surrounded by lies and temptation to believe something other than what God declares true and right.
- In the morning we are tempted to complain about getting up.
- At work we are tempted by slow computers, poor management, level of income.
- In leisure we complain that we do not have more of it.
- In sickness there is a bounty of temptation to complain about the way we are not (i.e. in good health).
- In marriage we are tempted to believe there is more available to us sexually than we're getting (when all else beside our spouse is forbidden).
- When loss of money or possessions occurs, we are led to believe God is punishing us.
- When loss of a loved one occurs we are tempted to believe God is not sovereign and is harsh and uncaring.
- When we are struggling to make financial ends meet or are jobless, we are tempted to believe God has disregarded our situation.
- When our friends fall away we are tempted to believe God does not want us to flourish.
- When worship is dry we are led to believe God is disappointed with us.
- When tempted to lust we are tempted also to believe that another person has something more satisfactory than God and is more satisfactory than God.
- ...and many other things.
But should all of these things even cease to exist, we remember the words of the Psalmist:
"Whom have I in heaven but you? And there is nothing on earth that I desire besides you." ~Psalm 73:25 (ESV).
Truly, there is none so wonderful, none so kind, none so just, none so merciful and forgiving, and none so satisfactory as Him! But can we believe this with ease? Because of our sinful, doubting, blind hearts, no. But that is why we are invited to expose ourselves to His Word every day and to:
"Oh, taste and see that the Lord is good! Blessed is the man who takes refuge in him!." ~Psalm 73:25 (ESV).Never a Day Off
Our first step of action, then, is this: Ask the Giver of all good things: "Convince me of this, Lord. Convince me that you are God and you are infinitely good!"
It is an every-day, never-ending, constant battle we fight to keep God's goodness before us and flee the trap of sin--to resist the aimless wind of the world and end up sitting stagnant and unsatisfied in tangled net of ungodliness. But when we truly taste and know Him, we will be convinced that He is better than anything in the universe!
Challenge and Application Questions
- What lies are constantly coming at you?
- As constant as the lies are, how can you (or do you) more constantly remind yourself of the pleasure found in God?
- How are you striving to know God better?
- What passages from God's Word do you delight in to resist sin and love God more?
- How can and why should you cultivate delight in His Word more?
- Want to share with others for their benefit too? Start the conversation!
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