Monday, April 09, 2007

Leaning Forward to Bless

" that in the coming ages he might show the immeasurable riches of his grace in kindness toward us in Christ Jesus."

~Ephesians 2:7 (ESV)

How in the world can God be so good to the undeserving? I once was His enemy and now am rescued from the wrath that I truly deserve. And on top of the Lord's presence and His Spirit given to us, He reigns blessings upon our heads that we do not deserve. He unexpectedly places blessing in our lives and brings good even from the mistakes we've made.

The Lord is leaning forward, eager to bless us! How amazing He is!

What a priceless gift,
Undeserved life,
Have I been given,
Through Christ crucified
You brought me out of death,
You called me into light,
I was under Your wrath,
Now through the cross I'm reconciled

-Jeremy Riddle, Sweetly Broken
Every blessing You pour out
I'll turn back to praise
And when the darkness closes in, Lord
Still I will say

Blessed be the name of the Lord,
Blessed be Your name!
Blessed be the name of the Lord,
Blessed be Your glorious name!

You give and take away,
You give and take away,
My heart will choose to say,
Lord, blessed be Your name!
-Matt Redman, Blessed be Your Name
"Father, how can I thank you enough? How can I keep from singing Your praise? IT'S ALL ABOUT YOU, FOR ONLY YOU ARE WORTHY OF WORSHIP--AND PASSIONATE WORSHIP AT THAT!!! All of this is for You, for Your glory alone. Conform our ways, oh Lord. May we bring You more than a song--lives of worship to You for the cross, for all that YOU HAVE DONE. Amen."

Challenge and Application Questions
  • Do you regularly remind yourself of God's mercy?
  • Are you regularly amazed at the fact that you, if a Christian, deserve wrath but are under God's mercy?
  • How have you been affected by the Gospel today?


Anonymous said...

Those are some of my favorite worship songs! Thanks for the good quesitons; wow, God's goodness to us is truly undeserving!

Franz Schneider said...

Yes, how good it is to have songs packed with solid, Biblical truth!! Thank the Lord for that. Thank Him for His truly undeserved mercy and blessings. We can freely sing of His mercy and will for all eternity! :]