On the Playing Field
It is almost humorous how the Lord teaches us. We learn a bit about a subject, experience conviction, and then the Lord strengthens us with opportunities to apply all that we’ve learned. But that’s not always an easy thing. One of the primary ways the Lord strengthens our faith is through trial and difficulty. Our sin is no joking matter to God, and He delights to teach us to put it to death.
Running Off-Sides
It was a peaceful school morning and I left early to catch my bus (for once). “I will be waiting for the bus today instead of running after it,” I literally said in my mind. Arriving to the bus stop in plenty of time, I circled the parking lot to seek the spot reserved for me. However, I found none. So, I quickened my speed, only to find that the lot was completely packed! Just a few days after writing about complaining, I said to myself, “This is ridiculous! This isn’t right!” I drove two lots over to the nearby restaurant parking lot as the Lord reminded me of what I had written just days before. With a partial heart I said, “Okay…I’m supposed to do this without complaining.” I parked and ran the two lots back and reached the station just as the bus pulled away. The driver didn’t stop. I ran back and drove ahead of the bus to its next stop, only to miss it again.
What was I left with standing at that empty bus stop? A lesson worth learning. The Lord wanted to teach me something, and He made that clear with a couple more similar lessons later that day. It was so easy for me to complain that morning! Just as stated in part 1, there is no work needed to complain; the true strength lies in the guarding of our hearts and being thankful in all circumstances (I Thes. 5:18).
What a good life the Lord has given! As Christians, our trials have a purpose. Our goal is to glorify God and He makes that possible by always providing a way out from the temptation to complain (I Cor. 10:13). Our circumstances are no different than that which everyone else can, has, or is experiencing. But will we display the light of Christ by refusing to take hold of Satan’s temptation to vent our anger, bitterness, and rage? Will you daily ask for the Lord’s provision of strength to “give thanks in all circumstances?”
Too many a conversation over a cup of coffee is wasted in complaint! Let us not be confirmed to this cultural custom, but make conscious effort to come together with our Lord to give thanks, with our brothers and sisters to give thanks, and with our souls to give thanks to the Lord. He has died and risen to pay for our sins! Shall we not give thanks for this life of constant learning and sanctification? When you come across your next trial, or as you face your current difficulties, take them as another opportunity to “give thanks to the Lord, for He is good” (I Chron 16:34). Our worst day would be paradise compared to a split second in the Hell that we all deserve. Let us be grateful that we have been rescued by His blood. And dear unbeliever, do not hesitate to respond to the Lord’s dealing with your doubt of Him. His Son’s sacrifice is all that you need for eternal life and peace with Him.
In Jesus Christ alone,Franz Schneider
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