Monday, December 25, 2006

"Christmas Is" Series Part 3 - Christmas Is the Gospel

"Behold, the Lamb of God, who takes away the sin of the world!"
~John 1:29 (ESV)

    In closing of our "Christmas Is" series, let us reflect on once again what Christmas is. It is the Gospel in that we celebrate the glorious mystery of God's coming down as man to take away our sins. Now, there was much more to come of the Gospel story following Christ's birth that we celebrate (His life, death, resurrection, and ascension), but ultimately we celebrate at Christmas time the mystery of God coming to earth as man to pay the debt for our sins and take the wrath of God. Jesus birth was the beginning of the life on earth that would change all of eternity. Let us praise Him! Let us praise Him alone!

    No one could exhort us more appropriatley than John the Baptist from Scripture's account in John 1:29 when he said, "Behold, the Lamb of God, who takes away the sin of the world!" May we, this Christmas season, this year, and throughout our lives, behold our King! May we behold Him standing there before the throne pleading us clean of sin and bound for eternity with the eternal Godhead.

    What a Day that will be when we see His face! And while on this earth, we stand in gratefulness before the Father for sending His Son to make that eternal destiny possible for us. Apart from the glorious Gospel of God come down to earth, we would have been condemned to the destiny deserved by every man and woman, Hell, desolation, irreversible desertion, and the furious wrath of God.

    Want more reason to celebrate? Meditate upon this quote by Anselm:

"The glory of the Gospel is this: The One from Whom we needed to be saved is the One Who has saved us."

    Is that not the most amazing mystery ever beheld? We were under God's wrath for our many, many, many sins. Yet, it is that same God, our almighty King of Kings, Who has revealed to us that He is a just God and a God of MIND-BLOWING MERCY! And we celebrate the birth of our King and the birth of the Gospel of Christ this season and year-round. Hope is born!

    The Lord has shown mercy to us! This grace is available to all! So I bid you, if you have not yet entered the kingdom of God and accepted this forgiving King, Jesus, as your Savior, please do so! Resist Him no longer. We were created for Him, and He longs for His children to come Home. He longs to be glorified in you.

    That's why He came.

    Merry Christmas!

Thursday, December 21, 2006

"Christmas Is" Series Part 2 - Christmas Is a Servant's Opportunity

"So if there is any encouragement in Christ, any comfort from love, any participation in the Spirit, any affection and sympathy, complete my joy by being of the same mind, having the same love, being in full accord and of one mind."
(Philippians 2:1-2)

    During Christmas, we continue the celebration of the Gospel and again zero in on the mystery of God become man. This is not only a time to meditate on that mystery, but to apply it! How are we emulating our Savior's example during this season?

    What makes the Gospel so amazing is the Who of the Gospel. Who came down to earth? The perfect, sinless Lamb of God, Jesus. Why did He come down? The answer may not be exactly as expected, but it was to serve! Mark 10:45 says, "For even the Son of Man came not to be served but to serve, and to give his life as a ransom for many." Now that's a mystery! But isn't it such a humbling picture and provoking truth from Who we are to follow? Christ is Who we are to be conformed to, and His will is for us to serve others as He served.

    Is there anyone not in a "fortunate" situation this Christmas? Anyone in need? Anyone hungry or thirsty? Anyone who could use comfort or encouragement? Is there any sympathy to give in Christ?

"So if there is any encouragement in Christ, any comfort from love, any participation in the Spirit, any affection and sympathy, complete my joy by being of the same mind, having the same love, being in full accord and of one mind." (Philippians 2:1-2)
The Lord is glorified when we serve and prefer others, and is a great way to look forward to serving in this way throughout the year!

    Inviting folks into our homes etc. is more than "what we're supposed to do," it's a privilaege and a gift from the Lord to be changed into people who act out of compassion and grace toward one another, and a glorious and joyous way to prefer one another above ourselves (See Philippians 2:4). I so easily do the opposite, so I need the reminder all the time of my Savior's amazing gift of grace to me.

    So, enjoy it! If you are a Christian, love the freedom of being a child of God! Love the gift of serving one another. It is truly more of a blessing to give than to receive (See Acts 20:35). The joy cannot be described effectively by words. It is all for God's glory.

What are your thoughts on the joy and gift of serving?

Thursday, December 14, 2006

"Christmas Is" Series Part 1 - Christmas is Thanksgiving

"...but made Himself nothing, taking the form of a servant, being born in the likeness of men."
~Philippians 2:7 (ESV)

We are approaching a very special time of the year, a day set aside to specifically focus on, rejoice in, and give thanks to our God and our King for humbling Himself and becoming Man to pay all of our debt!

Is this not amazing? Consider this passage:

"...Who, though He [Jesus] was in the form of God, did not count equality with God a thing to be grasped, but made Himself nothing, taking the form of a servant, being born in the likeness of men. And being found in human form, He humbled Himself by becoming obedient to the point of death, even death on a cross. Therefore God has highly exalted Him and bestowed on Him the name that is above every name..." (Philippians 2:6-9)
This, the Gospel, is the center of Christmas! As Christians, we celebrate the Gospel all year round, so no less are we to celebrate it on Christmas. Amongst the busyness, the service, the joyous laughter, the blessing of family and friends, the cooking, the cleaning, the wrapping paper all over the floor, the quite rest, thank You, our LORD, for what You have done! Thank You that Hope is born in the form of Your precious Son, Jesus Christ. Thank God for this most joyous reason to celebrate!

Truly, Christmas is Thanksgiving as we give thanks to God for sending His only Son, Jesus.

How do you continue to celebrate the Gospel during the Christmas season?

In our Savior,

Saturday, December 09, 2006

A Hopeful Word in a Fallen World

"No one born of God makes a practice of sinning, for God's seed abides in him, and he cannot keep on sinning because he has been born of God."
~I John 3:9 (ESV)

Recently Revised Article!
This article is a revised version of the original article from 12/09/2006 titled, "Sin: A Sober View of a Fallen World."
Revised on 06/29/2011


Guess what! We're not in Heaven yet!

By default, that might just sound discouraging. But think again. That's actually a great reminder when battling our every day struggles and temptations! Is it a ticket to sin? Of course not. If we know God's Word even a little, we probably know that God doesn't have "tickets to sin." But the fact that we are not in Heaven yet is a reminder draws our attention away from arrogance. It might just make us less likely to make statements that sound humble but aren't--such as, "I should be better" or "I / they should have grown by now!"

Nonexistent Locations 

Is it not easy at times to become anxious about where you are in the sanctification process? I have often found myself immersed in thoughts such as, "I'm here when I should be way further down this sanctification road" and "Why am I not growing?" I've thought in frustration, "I'm here when I should have been out there!" The truth is, there is no "out there." God has each of us where we are for His sovereign purpose.

Statements with Holes In Them
Now again, let us caution against using any of these things as excuses for sin. The following statements are ones we could be tempted to use as license to sin:
  • "We live in a fallen world; sin is inevitable."
  • "I'm going to sin again anyway."
  • "I have grace; God will forgive me."
  • "God understands that I'm having a hard time and need this comfort."
But God's Word says, "You therefore must be perfect, as your heavenly Father is perfect" (Matthew 5:48).

As we just observed in Matthew, God's Word nullifies the list of statement preceding. Yes, sin will happen. But even so, we are called to and equipped for high standards that we can joyfully seek. We are free to run! God's holiness is our one standard as Christians. We live a new, purchased life now. Though I do not agree with a lot of what this individual teaches, but this is a credible, provoking statement by Josh Harris:
"May we not use the freedom, purchased by Christ's blood, to celebrate the sin that He died for."
New Creations

Hallelujah! God has shown us that our sin grieves Him and so mercifully purchased us so that we might now live uniquely for His glory. God's new-found solution for our difficult lives is to use every circumstance to lead us toward satisfaction in Him and in His ways. It's not always what we want to hear in times of practical want--but He will provide for your every need.

Friend, He has begun a good work in us, and He has promised to finish it! Philippians 1:6 says, "And I am sure of this, that he who began a good work in you will bring it to completion at the day of Jesus Christ."

God bless you, my friends! It is a pleasure to walk out this adventure of God's merciful grace with you.


Wednesday, December 06, 2006

Satisfied in God: A Burning Heart

"They said to each other, 'Did not our hearts burn within us while he talked to us on the road, while he opened to us the Scriptures?'"
~Luke 24:32 (ESV)


    This post was inspired by a song from Loui Giglio's Passion Conferences website. You can hear it by clicking here and then clicking the play button at the bottom and going to the song, "Bravery."

    Oh the strange satisfaction that Christ brings to a soul! "Strange" meaning a passionate burning that is foreign to this world. The disciples in Luke 24:32 were unaware that they were talking to the Savior face to face. Yet, their hearts burned within them. Do you find satisfaction in Christ? As the Lord opens His Word to you in your quiet times, are you affected that Christ Himself is opening the Scriptures to you? Does this bring you to a place of burning satisfaction?

    This burning is not a mere feeling. This burning is a burning passion of satisfaction, speechlessness, and crying out of our very being for more of God and more of God to be known!

    Christian, be not caught up in chasing what the world from which we have been rescued seeks for satisfaction. Passion is spilled by the second by the world on worthless things! Yes, we once lived for worthlessness too, and still would be were it not for God's great mercy on our pitiful souls! But now, O now my fellow Christ follower, our passion is for our King! Our King!

He is breathtaking.
He is lovely.
He is the only Awesome One.
He is the only worthy One of all creation's praise.

Do you hear me now? Oh how He satisfies like no other!

He is the flame of our everlasting passion.
He is the reason we live.
He is the One Who carries us through this life.
He is the light on our circumstances.
He is the SOURCE of our HOPE!

Does your heart not burn within you?

Tuesday, October 24, 2006

8 Reasons I Don't Share My Faith

Do you hesitate or fear to tell others the Gospel? Why? Are any of these 8 "reasons" your reasons?

God has worked long on me in this area. I should have been to the place where I passionately pursue other to proclaim the Gospel a long time ago, but I have only recently become an active evangelist in the sense of setting aside time specifically for that. But what a joy it is! What a joy to tell others the most important thing that can be told! What a joy to go home tired from doing the Lord's work! We wear ourselves out in many other ways, why not from putting our pride to death and telling people the Gospel?

Please observe the following video and then comment on it. How does this apply to you? How have you grown? Where do you desire to grow in the area of evangelism?

Now let's discuss this!
Join the Discussion!

Thursday, October 05, 2006

Complaining to Contentment: Part 3 - Now What?

"Rejoice always, pray without ceasing, give thanks in all circumstances; for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus for you."
~I Thessalonians 5:16-18 (ESV)


The Lord has done work to show us our complaining hearts and how easily we can give in to the temptation to complain, rather than to realize what we as sinners really deserve (God’s wrath and Hell), how blessed we as Christians truly are (to have received His grace and mercy), and to use true Biblical strength to practice gratefulness and cultivate contentment.

Ask the Why Questions

Now that we have looked at these things, what are we to do now? How are we to apply? How do we become a more grateful people on a daily basis? Well, I am no expert, but here are a few things that I need to practice and that indeed help put my focus and pull my practice in the right direction. But before getting to these few thoughts on how to cultivate Godly contentment, we need, as in everything, to ask the why questions. Why desire contentment in God and His ways? Why desire to live life in gratefulness? Because we have been created to glorify God by delighting in Him! He, and only He, is worthy of all glory, honor, praise, and to be delighted in! Only He has lived as a man, died, rose, and ascended to bring us salvation for justification and once-for-all forgiveness and the Holy Spirit by Whose work alone are we able to do our work in this sanctification process to cultivate any Godly characteristic, including Godly contentment.

So, be intentional to think upon, ask, and answer the why questions in pursuit of any fruit of the Spirit and all growth. Now we can move on to a few of endless ways to cultivate contentment, but a ways that prove essential:

  1. Begin With the Gospel

  2. Always! The Gospel is indispensable and we cannot do without it. Do only unbelievers need to hear the Gospel? Absolutely not. We as Christians need it as much as we always have! Why do we complain? Is it not because we easily forget the Gospel? I am not saying that we literally declare the Gospel is untrue with our mouths, but do we not do this with our thoughts and in our complaining? How easily we do forget the Gospel and how much we have received. We have received God’s Son as the atoning sacrifice for our sins. He paid the debt we could never pay! Praise God, we are free! How much harder, then, if we make a practice of preaching the Gospel to ourselves every day, will it be to complain? How can we complain in light of God’s mysterious mercy on our souls?

  3. Practice the Spiritual Disciplines

  4. I cannot emphasize this enough! The absolute best place to begin your day is in stillness before God in prayer, and in reading, studying, and meditating on His Word. This is one of the best places to apply point one above. Begin your day with the Gospel in God’s Word! Pray for the strength to cultivate Godly contentment in the day you are about to live. Remeber, you are not earning anything from God in doing this, but committing yourself to, in faith, acknowledge your complete dependence on God to even think about growing. Jesus has paid the way in full for you to now live as a Christian in grace.

  5. Commit to a Local Church

  6. I cannot emphasize this enough! How can any Christian expect to grow apart from God’s divinely ordained church, the body of sinners and believers for which He died? Hebrews 10:24-25 says, “And let us consider how to stir up one another to love and good works, not neglecting to meet together, as is the habit of some, but encouraging one another, and all the more as you see the Day drawing near.” Hebrews 13 is full of ways to cultivate the gifts of the Spirit to other believers. It is in the context of constant feeding from the proclamation of God’s Word, worship to God, and serving others that we truly learn to be a thankful and content people.

  7. Be Accountable

  8. “And though a man might prevail against one who is alone, two will withstand him—a threefold cord is not quickly broken” (Ecclesiastes 4:12). Find two or three other people or persons (of the same sex!) that you trust and with whom you can share each other’s struggles—someone whom you can challenge and someone you know will challenge you with Biblical truth. If someone is regularly asking you the difficult and challenging questions about life and your struggles, you’re headed for growth. Don’t try and do it all on your own. Put down your pride and grow with one another!

These are just a few ideas for how to apply thankfulness and cultivate contentment. But really: These things apply to any area of needed growth! Isn’t that great? Be free to be holy, and may you grow as “His divine power has granted to us all things that pertain to life and godliness, through the knowledge of him who called us to his own glory and excellence” (2 Peter 1:3).

God bless you, my friends!

Franz Schneider

P.S. In fact, let's hear from you! Why and how do you cultivate Godly contentment?

This article was expanded on February 5, 2007.

Saturday, September 30, 2006

What Is The Good News? - The Gospel of Christ

“For while we were still weak, at the right time Christ died for the ungodly. For one will scarcely die for a righteous person-though perhaps for a good person one would dare even to die-but God shows his love for us in that while we were still sinners, Christ died for us.”
Romans 5:6-8 (ESV)


How can it be? The greatest news ever heard has arrived! What is the good news? So as to not keep you wondering, it is the Gospel of Jesus Christ. Have you beheld the glory of the Gospel? Be amazed, believer or unbeliever, that Christ has died for our sins. What better place to begin this blog? There is none.


In the beginning, God created the heavens, the earth, and all that dwells within it (Genesis 1). He created all through His Son, Jesus Christ, and without Him was nothing made that was made (John 3). Among God’s creation was a creature made in God’s own image. This creature is man. In a sinless world, God and man (Adam and Eve-the first humans) lived in harmony and all to the glory of God for which man was created. God blessed man greatly by giving them the Garden of Eden in which they dwelt. It was overflowing with the blessings and provision of God. Only one tree in the midst of the garden did God forbid that they eat from. This was the tree of good and evil. Sin was introduced into this world through Adam as his wife, Eve, was deceived by Satan into eating the fruit of the forbidden tree.

The Separation

The living God is a holy God. He is infinitely holy. Because of this, evil cannot be in His presence, and therefore His very nature demands punishment for sin-His wrath. Because we have all sinned and fallen short of God’s glory (Romans 3:23), all of us are deserving of God’s wrath. In our sin, like Adam and Eve, we have rebelled against God, and we have done it to His face. We have mocked Him and cursed His very name-His throne. To put it in blatant and true terms, we hate God in our sin. We have said to Him, “Your ways are not good enough. I rule my own life and I will not be ruled by anyone-to my dying breath. I despise You and Your Word.”

Does this offend you? Well, it would offend me to if God had not revealed the right question to me: Has this not much more offended God as we have actually said this to Him with our hearts and lives? Because we are not the holy God, we cannot even fathom how our rebellion has so grieved Him. Our sin is so unlike God and so against Him, that it divided our direct relationship with Him as Adam and Eve had. Our communion with God was severed because of the pit of sin placed between God and Man. But is a relationship with God still available to us as sinful human beings?

The Situation

Who can fathom the mercy of God? How can it be? He has provided a Mediator to bridge the gap between God and man. We were all headed for that pit, which is Hell. Hell is a place of complete isolation from God. Who can fathom this? Who can even begin to think of this? Not only that, it is the “lake of fire.” Here all who refuse to believe God and to accept His Son as their Savior will one day be eternally separated from His blessing presence and forever under His wrath (Revelation 20:15). This is where all who do not believe God are headed, and indeed where I was headed before He saved my soul.

Does this offend you? That still is not the right question, and never is. The right question is, who do you say Jesus is?

The Solution

The subject of sin has now been elaborated upon in short. We, in our sin, are separated from God. So what is the solution? How can we escape eternal death and wrath and, better yet, enjoy the freedom of a relationship with our Creator?

Here I paraphrase pastor and author John Piper who gave an illustration from when he went on vacation with his family. While on vacation, he was in a good mood, not complaining about a thing. It was a great trip. John and His family returned home and the man received a piece of mail in the mailbox. Inside an envelope he found his own credit card. How did it get there? On a note was the handwriting of one of his friends. His friend informed him that he had dropped it on the floor of his car. The funny thing was that John never even knew that his card was missing-not even for the duration of his vacation-until he received it in the mail. Contemplating this, he realized, “If I had known my card was missing on my vacation, would I not have been complaining and completely ruined the vacation for my family?” But he further realized that before he even knew he had a problem, the card was already on its way in the mail--the solution was already on its way.

Is this not the human situation? We have been separated from God by the fall--by our sin. It is His mercy that He has revealed this to me, and He has, in His divine providence, revealed it to you today. Before we knew we had a problem, God had already sent the one and only Solution on the way. This solution is His Son, Jesus Christ. Christ put aside His glory and came to earth as a man--as a Humble Servant. He became nothing! Philippians 2:6-8 says that Jesus, “though he was in the form of God, did not count equality with God a thing to be grasped, but made himself nothing, taking the form of a servant, being born in the likeness of men. And being found in human form, he humbled himself by becoming obedient to the point of death, even death on a cross.”

That is why Christ died on the cross--so that we might die to sin! He was brutally beaten, mocked, and spit upon by man (Mark 14:65). He was cruelly nailed to a cross and killed by the hands of those He loved--us!! He was crucified to save us from our sin! On the cross, an unseen event took place as the skies were covered in darkness. During the time that He hung there, Christ received from the Father the wrath for our sin so that we do not have to. Three days later, He arose from the dead and ascended to His Father, just as He said He would! He arose so that we might arise to new life!

The Salvation

So what must take place to receive the salvation made available by the Savior, Jesus Christ? Romans 10:9-10 tells us loud and clear: “because, if you confess with your mouth that Jesus is Lord and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved. For with the heart one believes and is justified, and with the mouth one confesses and is saved.”

There is a critical difference between believing in God and believing God. “There are many people who believe in God that do not believe Him,” said R.C. Sproul. God’s Word says, “Even the demons believe-and shudder” (James 2:19)! But do you believe Him? Do you believe that Jesus Christ is the Son of God and that only He can remove the penalty due to you for your sin? Who do you say that Christ is? Jesus asks it of you Himself: "Then he said to them, 'But who do you say that I am?' And Peter answered, 'The Christ of God'” (Luke 9:20).

The Gift

Salvation and new life--eternal life--is available to you as a gift from God! Ephesians 2:4-5 tells us of this free gift: “But God, being rich in mercy, because of the great love with which he loved us, even when we were dead in our trespasses, made us alive together with Christ-by grace you have been saved.” We cannot earn any favor before God. None! JESUS PAID IT ALL! Our works are in response and radiate from a grateful heart and un-concealable passion for what God has already paid for us.

Believe that Christ is Savior, and confess it to Him with your mouth today. Go to bed tonight a Christian. You do not know what tomorrow holds, or whether tomorrow exists for you. Neither do I. Do not live another day without assurance. Be assured today that when you die, you will forever spend eternity with God because you have been bought with the precious blood of Christ, who gave His life and received God’s wrath on your behalf.


Should you need to speak with me or would like to pray with someone to receive Christ, contact me at, or call my church at (303) 429-3499. Any of us would be overjoyed to pray with you! But do not hesitate. Fall on your knees before Christ now, and pour out your heart to Him and receive Him as your Savior.

God bless you, my friends!

Franz Schneider

Sunday, September 24, 2006

Complaining to Contentment: Part 2 - On the Playing Field

“[G]ive thanks in all circumstances; for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus for you.”
~I Thessalonians 5:18 (ESV)

On the Playing Field

It is almost humorous how the Lord teaches us. We learn a bit about a subject, experience conviction, and then the Lord strengthens us with opportunities to apply all that we’ve learned. But that’s not always an easy thing. One of the primary ways the Lord strengthens our faith is through trial and difficulty. Our sin is no joking matter to God, and He delights to teach us to put it to death.

Running Off-Sides

It was a peaceful school morning and I left early to catch my bus (for once). “I will be waiting for the bus today instead of running after it,” I literally said in my mind. Arriving to the bus stop in plenty of time, I circled the parking lot to seek the spot reserved for me. However, I found none. So, I quickened my speed, only to find that the lot was completely packed! Just a few days after writing about complaining, I said to myself, “This is ridiculous! This isn’t right!” I drove two lots over to the nearby restaurant parking lot as the Lord reminded me of what I had written just days before. With a partial heart I said, “Okay…I’m supposed to do this without complaining.” I parked and ran the two lots back and reached the station just as the bus pulled away. The driver didn’t stop. I ran back and drove ahead of the bus to its next stop, only to miss it again.

What was I left with standing at that empty bus stop? A lesson worth learning. The Lord wanted to teach me something, and He made that clear with a couple more similar lessons later that day. It was so easy for me to complain that morning! Just as stated in part 1, there is no work needed to complain; the true strength lies in the guarding of our hearts and being thankful in all circumstances (I Thes. 5:18).


What a good life the Lord has given! As Christians, our trials have a purpose. Our goal is to glorify God and He makes that possible by always providing a way out from the temptation to complain (I Cor. 10:13). Our circumstances are no different than that which everyone else can, has, or is experiencing. But will we display the light of Christ by refusing to take hold of Satan’s temptation to vent our anger, bitterness, and rage? Will you daily ask for the Lord’s provision of strength to “give thanks in all circumstances?”

Too many a conversation over a cup of coffee is wasted in complaint! Let us not be confirmed to this cultural custom, but make conscious effort to come together with our Lord to give thanks, with our brothers and sisters to give thanks, and with our souls to give thanks to the Lord. He has died and risen to pay for our sins! Shall we not give thanks for this life of constant learning and sanctification? When you come across your next trial, or as you face your current difficulties, take them as another opportunity to “give thanks to the Lord, for He is good” (I Chron 16:34). Our worst day would be paradise compared to a split second in the Hell that we all deserve. Let us be grateful that we have been rescued by His blood. And dear unbeliever, do not hesitate to respond to the Lord’s dealing with your doubt of Him. His Son’s sacrifice is all that you need for eternal life and peace with Him.

In Jesus Christ alone,

Franz Schneider

Saturday, September 02, 2006

Complaining to Contentment: Part 1 - Reversing Our Efforts

"And let the peace of Christ rule in your hearts, to which indeed you were called in one body. And be thankful."

~Colossians 3:15 (ESV)

Thinking in Terms of Opposites

Complaining is easy! Is that not why we do it so much? Little effort is needed to express our negative thoughts as humans, whether it be about our job, toward a person, about our life or destiny, how much money we don't make--or whatever! There is a powerful antidote to the sin of complaining, and it is thankfulness. That may not be what you thought I would say, but it is so true! If we were to attempt to describe what the antidote to discontent and complaining is, our immediate guess might be that it is some outward expression of strength. Or perhaps we would say it is an inward bracing of one's self that shouts, "I will never complain about this again!" However, God in His Word calls for a much higher goal that a self-confident "commitment."

Where the True Strength Lies

True, Godly strength and power is evidenced not in a strong complaint or by a forceful rebuke in reaction to an offense or disappointment. True, Godly strength is not found in an empty announcement of our "concerns" about the world around us our our circumstances that we despise. No, it is found in the opposite. The opposite of complaining is thankfulness. Contemplate this for a moment: Does it not take much greater work, strength, and trust in God to remain grateful and refuse to complain than it does to just "let it out?" Yes, it does. Gratefulness is harder work, and it is worth the joy God will give to you, even in the midst of trial.

So, how do we reverse complaining and defeat this sin in our lives? Do the opposite; be thankful! Now, before a commitment to thankfulness becomes a self-confident venture, let us realize together how thankfulness is cultivated Biblically. The strength to do so comes only by God's amazing grace! He has saved us by His blood--we have every reason to be thankful and no right to be discontent. We have life pretty good compared to what we deserve.

Blessings, my friends!

In Jesus Christ alone,

Franz Schneider

Click here to read part 2 of this series.

Wednesday, August 16, 2006

Test Post

Hi! We're just getting started. Blog to be up soon!

Pat Sczebel Message

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Corporate Worship: What Does it Look Like?

-Pat Sczebel

Grace Community Church - Westminster, CO
September 23, 2007

Tuesday, August 01, 2006

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